Operating Hours:11:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Address: Shops E, F, and G, Ground and First Floor, Kuong Fai Garden, 430-438 Coimbra Street, Macau (next to L’ace Hotel Macau)
Reservation Phone:(853) 2836 6666
Operating Hours:8:30 AM - 11:30 PM
Address: 5th Floor, Beverly Hotel, 70-106 Dr. Sun Yat Sen Avenue, Macau
Reservation Phone:(853) 2882 2228
Operating Hours:10:30 AM - Midnight
Address: 1st Floor, Emperor Hotel, 51 Shanghai Street and 106-I Beijing Street, Macau (next to Landmark Hotel)
Reservation Phone:(853)-28328828
Operating Hours:10:30-23:00
Address:1st Floor, Ascott Hotel, Tianzhuan Building, Dynasty District (next to the MGM Grand screen)
Reservation Phone:(853)2883 6666
Operating Hours:11:00-22:30
Address:1st Floor, Ascott Hotel, Tianzhuan Building, Dynasty District (next to the MGM Grand screen)
Reservation Phone:(853)2886 0000
Operating Hours:11:00-22:30
Address:1st Floor, Ascott Hotel, Tianzhuan Building, Dynasty District (next to the MGM Grand screen)
Reservation Phone:(853)2883 3377
Operating Hours:11:00至凌晨3:00
Reservation Phone:(853) 2823 3788
传真:(853) 2823 3722
Operating Hours:11:00至凌晨2:30
Reservation Phone:(853)2833 3966